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Our Services
- Ayurveda
- Abhyanga
- Janubasti
- Kati Basti & Greeva Basti
- Patra Pind Sweda
- Shirodhara
- Netra Tharpana
- Navarakizhi
- Pizhichil
- Shiro Abhyanga
- Pada Abhyanga
- Udvartana
- Nasya Karma
- Mukha Lepa
- Karna Poorana

Ayurveda does not aim at mere cure of disease syndrome but looks to reharmonise the living body and restore it to its natural state of equilibrium. It describes how to live one's life in tune with nature, free of diseases and illness.
Benefits of Ayurveda

This therapy involves synchronized massage using medicated oils. Its followed by steam bath. Abhyanga acts as powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body. Because it dissolves accumulted stress and toxins.

In this treatment reservior is built around the knee joint and filled with warm medicated oil. the oil is kept in contact with knee for 30 minutes. After removing the resevior the affected are may be gently massaged with the oil. It is done regularly to prevent operative interference in knee joint.

Kati Basti And Greeva Basti
This procedure is used for relieving fatigue of the upper and lower back. In this procedure heat is applied to the cervical or lumbar region through a therapetic application in which warm medicated oil is poured into a dough ring placed on the spot of pain or discomfort. Here oil radiates through muscles releasing tension and stiffness.

Patra Pind Sweda
In this procedure chopped fried medicinal leaves and several other herbal ingredients are tied like pouch using a cloth and then dipped into warm medicated oil and massaged all over the body or affected part for 30- 40 minutes. Here oil is absorbed easily and helps in relieving pain and stiffness from joint and muscles.

Shirodhara is a wonderful rejuvenate therapy of Ayurveda. It has profound impact on the nervous system. In this treament medicated oil or liquids poured on forehead for perticular time period. There are specialized form of shirodhara like Tailadhara, Ksheeradhara, Thakradhara,Kashayadhara.

Netra Tharpana
Its a unique treatment of Ayurveda. It helps in maintaining health of eyes also prevents and cures eye diseases. In this procedure a reservior is made around the eyes using dough. Medicated ghee is made to pour int it. The ghee is kept for 10 - 20 mins.

An effective rejuvenative treatment. Cooked navara rice packed into pouch, being dipped into medicated milk then skillfully massaged over the body.

Warm medicated oil is squeezed over the patients body using piece of cotton that is periodically dipped in oil.

Shiro Abhyanga
Ayurvedic head massage comprises of methodically applying medicated oil to head, neck and shoulder which help to instigate Marmas. Shiroabhyanga destresses mind and whole body.

Pada Abhyanga
Pada feet are very important part of our body, as many nerves from many organs terminate in the feet. So feet massage improves health of these organs and restores health of the body. During Pada abhaynga the marmas are massaged well which helps to achieve balance of Tri Doshas.

Udvartana is a treatment explained in ayurveda as a remedy for many metabolic and lifestyle disorders. Obesity, Diabetes, High cholestrol, High blood pressure are some of the modern day diseases which are troubling the mankind. Udvartana helps to treat these stubborn diseases along with medicines and lifestyle changes.

Nasya Karma
Nasya Karma is one of the efficient treatment in Ayurveda to eradicate the diseases above shoulder. Gentle massage is done on face and neck , followed by steam. Then medication is introduced through nose which actson diseases successfully.

Mukha Lepa
The hand-made herbal cleansers, scrubs, lotionand face packs which are used for facial, which have 100% efficiency to fight against pimple, scars, dark circles, pigments, wrinkles etc., Thus they help to reduce skin aging & rejuvenates to have a flawless glowing skin.

Karna Poorana
Karna Poorana is an unique treatment in Ayurveda which maintains normalcy of VATA dosha. Treatment starts with local application of oil, followed by steam. Then medicated oil or ghee is introduced into ears.