Does Ayurveda suggests any food habbits for better life?
Food is very important. It should be completely vegetarian with less spicy, oily, sour and salty. Fried food items must be avoided. Drinking water must be medicated with herbs to increase Agni which will burnout the toxins.
Are Ayurvedic medicines free of side effects?
YES. Ayurvedic herbal medicines are natural and safe, they have no side effects. Since they are prepared form herbs & minerals after proper processing according to classical Ayurvedic methods of manufacturing.
What types of diets Ayurveda prefers in daily life / during treatments?
The diet, which contains balanced food viz. vegetable, fruits, wheat, rice, etc. The best time of having food is when hunger is generated in the navel region. Normally one should have 2 to 3 meals a day, slight breakfast, good lunch and a light dinner. Of the full capacity of one's stomach, 1/2 should be filled with solid food, 1/4 with liquid food and the remaining 1/4 should be left empty. Water should be taken as and when one feels thirsty. It is not good to drink water before or after meals only. It should be properly interspaced with food during the meals. Regimens are divided into two - Aaharam (food) and Viharam (activities).
What are the modes of Ayurvedic treatment ?
There exists eight divisions of Ayurvedic therapeutics, namely Kayachikitsa (Internal medicine), Shalya Tantram(Surgery), Shalakya Tantram(Otorhinolaryngology and Opthalmology), Kaumara Bhritya (Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics) Agada Tantram (Toxicology), Rasayana Tantram(Gerentorology), Vajikarana Tantram(Aphrodisiacs) and Graha Chikitsaa (Psychiatry).
Why Ayurveda treatments takes a long time course to be effective?
A course of Treatment is looking at uncovering and cleaning the toxins accumulated over an extended period of neglect; and hence one or two or even eight to ten sessions may not give the desired results. Hence it is very important to approach the task systematically - thus the body has to be prepared for the cleansing process; then the actual cleansing has to be done based on need; and then time needs to be given for the effect of the cleansing to be felt - this is a very important phase of Treatment. Any neglect shown during the rest period can undo the entire effect of the Treatment. SO it will be very effective , if one follows Physician,s advice to the full extent.
Briefly describe the concept of Ayurveda?
"A way of life, rather than just a medical system" - Ayurveda means Science (Knowledge) of life Ayurveda is the holistic and natural health care system of India. Ayurveda is more than a system of medicine It's a way of life, encompassing science religion and philosophy that enhances well being, increases longevity and ultimately brings self realization. It tries to bring about a union of physical, emotional and spiritual health known as "Swasthya". It attempts to eliminate the fundamental causes that produce diseases, not - short-circuiting the main issue by treating their outward symptoms. Thus Ayurvedic therapy brings about complete and long lasting health, without leaving behind and harmful side effects.According to Ayurveda treatments are of two types - namely Samana or pacification treatment and Sodhana or purification treatment. The former type looks at gently pacifying the aggravated Doshas (and disease) by intake of relevant medicines and mild external Treatments including oil application. In Sodhana Treatment, the aggravated or vitiated Doshas are deliberately brought into the alimentary canal and then forcibly expelled by either emesis (vomiting), purgation or enema based on the nature of the Dosha that is aggravated.